Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Shop to train

train to shop!


  1. That's actually a woman.

  2. QR&O 19.14: Improper Comments
    (1) No officer or non-commissioned member shall make remarks or pass criticism tending to bring a superior into contempt, except as may be necessary for the proper presentation of a grievance under Chapter 7 (Grievances). (15 June 2000)
    (2) No officer or non-commissioned member shall do or say anything that:
    a. if seen or heard by any member of the public, might reflect discredit on the Canadian Forces or on any of its members; or
    b. if seen by, heard by or reported to those under him, might discourage them or render them dissatisfied with their condition or the duties on which they are employed.

    1. by referencing the QR&O's on your spare time proves you are a pump.

  3. Ho boy! Better lawyer up!

    ***LAMFAB General Counsel's Report***

    The QR&Os only apply to the people listed in section 60.1 of the National Defence Act: http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/n-5/page-20.html#h-40

    Also, this guy above is a superpump. That's a legal term.
